What have I learned since diving into the blogosphere?
a. It's a lot more difficult to attract attention in cyberspace than I ever imagined. According to Technorati, there are at least 184-million bloggers out there, some who have been doing it since before Google came to steal our souls and take over the world. So thank you to all of you who are supporting me. As I return to the newsroom tomorrow (from study leave) I hope I can start delivering some interesting posts from the battlefield.
b. Not nearly as many people as I thought spend their time wondering about the paradoxes of time travel. Especially when it comes to trashy movies like Terminator. Forgive me, I got a little carried away after watching Star Trek. According to our poll, almost 50% of people simply don't care. So I'll make the next one about sex or religion, or both.
c. While I've been in denial about the online world (assuring myself that when I'm old I'll still have a newspaper to spread over my lap as I sip my Earl Gray tea on the creaky rocking chair) a lot has happened. I'm now plugged into it again and will, without a doubt, see you there.
d. It's great to have guest posts on the blog. It adds new dimensions, fresh voices and opens up conversation. So if anyone would like to contribute, please let me know.
On another front, the "I Suck" revolution is picking up momentum. Out of all the names I received, the most obvious one (which I should have remembered) is Sarah Palin - the right-wing governor from Alaska. If there was ever one person who so beautifully personifies everything wrong with the conservative, intolerant and poorly-educated mind, it's her. As for the person I least expected to see on the list is Michael Buble. That's not to say he doesn't suck. Because he probably does. But he looked a little odd next to great architects of genocide like Omar Al-Bashir.
And finally, unlike the rest of the country (and especially our toyi-toying doctors - please god don't let me get sick in the next few days) I am not on strike and will continue to blog!
p.s: Interesting story on a new You Tube centre for citizen journalists and an investigation of whether vegan food served in restaurants is really vegan.
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