This week I started listening to them and discovered the beauty of absolute randomness. One song is about a girl named Peter, another about a crazy rebel, a soggy bottom Speedo swimmer and a high five which is just too damn hard. So today, I will scatter my topics like a pensioner feeding pigeons in the park.
News just in: Sarah Palin (the neo-Nazi governor of Alaska and top candidate of the "I Suck" revolution) has resigned. On Independence Day. Perhaps it was her gift to the liberals and free-thinkers of the world.
Reports suggest she is planning to run for president of the US in 2012. If she succeeds, I am leaving earth and starting a colony on Mars.
Speaking of which, Buzz Aldrin (the real moon walker) has said that the time is right for mankind to start colonising other planets, and especially Mars.
"I feel that at this juncture in time that a leader of the world of some nation has the opportunity to initiate a clear pathway that can result in creatures from the Earth beginning to settle on another planet in this solar system," he told the BBC.
Adding to the Nasa moon landing topic, which has been going for a few days, I found a great gallery of photographs which show controversial aspects of the moon missions. Check them out.
What also caught my attention is a business merger between a huge Russian oil company (Gazprom) and its Nigerian counterpart (NNPC). The merger will generate billions of dollars and milk Africa for a bit more of its precious resources. But the best part of this is the name chosen for the new company, a mixture of Nigeria and Gazprom: "Nigaz". I can just hear the "African American" gangster teenagers in the Bronx...
The conclusion of the quantum physics poll: It's been up for a couple of weeks and asked whether there was a paradox in the plot of the new Terminator movie (with the son sending his father back in time). 50 percent of the 20 voters just didn't care enough to vote either yes or no. Those who had an opinion, were evenly split - but remained a majority. The time has come for me to admit that I am alone in these ponderings and will post a new poll today.
And finally, if you want to watch the funniest video created by mankind, click this link. It's a rip-off of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" and is a masterpiece.
After sitting through a selection of songs on a playlist which coincidently is on the Random "function" waiting for the page to load which took the entirety of 16 minutes yes 16 minutes, patience was pushed but alas{ka} the Pa{l}in was worth it. So the utter 16 minutes has totally eclipsed my mind to indeed evade this earth for the quest for not only a better brand but possibly the truth. The new poll is indeed more exciting than the last; but that may be merely an opinion or random.
ReplyDeleteIf it was to be a random thought or fact or act I don't know But what struck me odd today is the national Hot Dog eating contest on ESPN when showing the statistics of past "hot doggers ladies” there was an insert stating "Palin vs. Clinton 2016" found that amusing. Well that’s all the randomness I can find other than waiting for the next 16 minutes for this to um post.