Look closely at him. Or her. Perhaps you have seen this evil beak before. Those slimy feathers. Those cunning little eyes.
With this footage I can start investigating. Has this bird of doom been sent to haunt us by our neighbours as punishment for letting our plant water dribble down on their patio? Or is he (or she) a guardian from all the birds I rescued at work? Only time will tell...
In other news...
My video clip from Tokoza (below) was published on IOL (one of SA's biggest news website). My first little bit of multimedia journalism. Check it out.
And if you need something weird to celebrate... try Maybe Day.
Now, I am off to enjoy a free Friday.
Alex i must say if your bird story were to appear in daily sun, it would probably say it was sent by the tokoloshi, which was sent by the old granny's in the complex, who wait for this happen to be witches. watch ur back my friend against the beaked one. lol